Current Guidance (updated 3.17.22)
Vaccine Information
Community Updates
Remote Learning
Guild Resources
External COVID-19 Resources
Adapted Physical Education Resources
Dancing - Simple and easy dancing videos
Gonoodle - Movement and mindfulness activities
Little Twisters Yoga - Activity cards and other movement printables
Sworkit - Kid-friendly workouts
Yoga for Kids - Various poses to be completed in succession for 20 minutes
CE Alternatives (Shopping, Community and Restaurant Trips)
Disney World Virtual Field Trip
Educators' Spin on it Virtual Field Trips - List of virtual field trips
Google Street - Map out a route to go for a walk
Mrs. Fahrney's Virtual Field Trip List - List of virtual field trips
Museum Tours - Free tours to museums around the world
Online Shopping - Practice budgeting, saving and making choices
Restaurant Menus - Download restaurant menus and practice social skills, choice making and vocational skills
Virtual Farm Trips - Free recorded virtual farm tours
Educational Videos (Facebook Live, Netflix, YouTube)
Americana Highways - Watch 30-minute sets every weekday on Facebook Live
Artrageous - Interactive videos to stimulate creativity and hands-on activity at home
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy - Daily shark story on Facebook Live at 10 a.m.
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden - Daily zoo video on Facebook Live with follow-up activities
Educational Shows on Netflix - List of over 150 educational shows on Netflix
Operation Live Storytime - Information on children's book authors having virtual storytime
Virtual Disney Rides - Frozen Ever After, It's a Small World, Little Mermaid, Slinky Ride
Learning Sites
123 Homeschool for ME - Free printable worksheets and educational activities
3P Learning - A suite of learning resources designed for schools and families
ABC Mouse - 850 lessons in ten levels
Adventure 2 Learning - Video-centered education platform providing core curriculum
All Kids Network - Free educational resources, worksheets, writing prompts, coloring pages, and more
Anywhere Teacher by School Zone Publishing - Online education app
Arcademics - Boost student engagement and fact fluency with educational games
Beanstalk - Interactive education children's content
Boddle Learning - Math platform for 1-6th grade
CK-12 Foundation - Each lesson has reading passage, optional review questions and self-graded practice questions
Classroom Cereal - Grammar practice in free, printable short stories
Coolmath Games - Brain-training site where math meets fun and games
Coolmath4Kids - Amusement park of math games for ages 12 and under
Dictionary.com - Free app with more than two million definitions and synonyms, spelling and grammar tips, and more
DOG ON A LOG Books - Fun books designed for anyone learning to read with phonics.
DreamBox Learning Math - K-8 online math program that looks at how a student is solving problems to adjust accordingly
EBLI - Non-fiction read alouds for PreK-12 graders
edHelper - Free learning workbooks and activities
Education.com - Digital resources, tools and learning materials
Eduprintables.com - Thousands of free printables, games, quizzes and fun activities
Emile - Game-based learning activities
Enchanted Learning - Over 35,000 K-12 pages covering a wide range of topics
Engineering Games and Projects - Overview of field of engineering and science games for all
ExploreLearning Gizmos - Over 400 online simulations covering math and science for grades 3-12
ExploreLearning Science4Us - Thousands of online and offline science lessons for K-2 students
Exploring Nature Educational Resource - Science education website with more than 6,000 pages of resources for K-12
Facts4Me - Research site for elementary-level readers. Social studies and science, especially for grades 1-5
Freckle - Empowers teachers to differentiate instruction across math, ELA, social studies and science
Fun Based Learning - Fun games to teach hard concepts; algebra and chemistry games
Glose for Education - Social reading app to help students read more and learn better
Heifer International - Free resources from Heifer International's school programs with topics in social studies, geography, economics, science and language arts
i-Ready - Free printable K-8 math and reading packets for students
ICivics - Free games, infographics, lesson plans and other resources to encourage students in civics activities
Izzit - High-quality educational materials to educators for anyone interested in learning and/or teaching
Kahoot - Engaging and easy-to-use learning games
Learning A-Z / Headsprout - Adaptive, online reading program that is easy to implement and easy to use
Lego Stem Challenges - Activities to complete with Lego bricks
MathPlayground - Hundreds of math games, logic puzzles and educational resources
Me and My INKlings - A library of educational and printable resources
PBS Learning Media - Free, digital media services including 25,000+ videos, interactive lesson plans, media galleries and more
Robotics and Engineering Project Guide - Free tutorials for robotics and engineering projects for students
Scholastic - A learning hub that provides 20 days of learning experiences for PreK-9+
Science Buddies - Free K-12 resources for hands-on STEM learning
Science Journal for Kids - Hundreds of scientific articles written for kids and approved by scientists
Starfall - Learning in an environment of collaboration, wonderment and play
Teachers Grow - Storybook read alouds, model lesson videos, activity ideas and training webinars for teachers
Typing Club - Learn and practice touch typing
Circletime - Classes from home including yoga, storytime, cooking and sing-alongs
Coloring Nature - More than 675 free printable coloring pages
Doodles Academy - Ways to explore choice-based art education and free art project ideas
LessonPix - A shared site with visuals to download and print
Nomster Chef - Illustrated recipes designed to help kids cook with their grown-ups
Pinna - Screen-free, ad-free audio streaming services with podcasts, audiobooks and music
QuaverEd - Teaching and learning for PreK-8 general music teachers and their students
Smarty Symbols - Create visual support for children for in-home visual support and schedules
The OT Toolbox - Free resources designed to build skills in children through movement and play
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Check this page for up-to-date guidance regarding COVID-19 protocols and other helpful resources.