May parents visit The Guild?
Absolutely! The Guild encourages parents to visit. Parents, school district administrators, representatives of state organizations and other interested parties are invited to schedule a visit. Although tours are given at all times, the admissions process officially begins when The Guild receives a referral from a funding source, which may be a local school district, a state organization or parents.
Does The Guild have immediate openings?
The answer to this question varies. Most Guild students graduate on their 22nd birthdays, which occur throughout the year. Each time a student graduates, a new opening is created. Parents seeking a placement for their child should contact Christine Dimmick (cdimmick@guildhumanservices.org) or Laurel Simpson (lsimpson@guildhumanservices.org) to discuss potential openings.
Does The Guild maintain a waiting list?
After a student’s eligibility for enrollment is determined, discussion begins about potential start dates. The Guild offers the earliest start date available to parents and funding sources. If there is not an immediate opening, discussions are held about upcoming vacancies. Parents have the option to commit to an upcoming vacancy. When that commitment is made, the student is on The Guild’s waiting list until he or she enrolls. The Guild receives referrals throughout the year, so it cannot hold a vacancy without a commitment to enroll.
How does The Guild determine eligibility for enrollment?
To determine whether The Guild’s services would be a good match for the prospective student’s needs, The Guild reviews a student’s referral packet and talks with the student’s parents/guardians and the funding source. With releases to do so, The Guild may also speak to professionals who know the child well, including teachers, psychologists, counselors and physicians. In addition, The Guild schedules a time to meet the prospective student.
For some children and teens, coming to The Guild for an intake is a great idea – it gives them a chance to see what The Guild is like. For others, an intake at The Guild is not possible for a variety of reasons – prospective students may be in a psychiatric hospital, may become too anxious about visiting a new place or may live too far away. The Guild individualizes the intake meeting to meet the needs of the referred student, their family, and the funding source. An intake meeting with a prospective student could be held at their current educational setting or in a hospital.
What happens during an intake?
The purpose of an intake is to give members of The Guild’s intake team an opportunity to meet and to interact with the prospective student. When possible, prospective students are asked to do tasks that are appropriate for their level. Tasks may be academic, such as identifying sight words or counting money, or tasks may include activities of daily living such as vacuuming, making a sandwich or making a bed. When students have communication skills, they are asked to share information about themselves. Observations made during the intake are combined with information from the referral packet to inform the decision of whether to offer enrollment.
What is the tuition at The Guild?
Tuition rates for The Guild and all private, special-education schools in Massachusetts are set annually by the Operational Services Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. There are separate rates for day and residential students. For current rates, visit the Operational Services Division’s special education tuition website.
Which professional associations is The Guild affiliated with?
The Guild is affiliated with several national and regional organizations dedicated to excellence in the education and care of students who need special education. Current affiliates include:
- NAPSEC, National Association of Private Special Education Centers
- ACRC, Association of Children’s Residential Centers
- NATSAP, National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs
- ASE, Massachusetts Administrators of Special Education
- SPaN, Massachusetts Special Needs Advocacy Network
- CLM, Children’s League of Massachusetts
- maaps, The Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools
Admissions Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)