The Guild Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week!

May 6-10th marked Teacher Appreciation Week! Every day, Guild School education staff create engaging learning opportunities for students tailored to their unique interests and needs. Thanks to these dedicated team members, students have the opportunity to go out into the community for 'Without Walls' lessons, participate in adaptive recreation and athletic activities, learn critical life skills to build independence, and more.

In honor of the week, we highlighted a few of our incredible Guild School staff on our social media channels. Check out the interviews below!:

Our Silence Will Not Protect Us

Dear Colleagues,

On Monday, May 25, a man died right before our eyes.  He died in real time and on instant replay, over and over and over again.  He died not of a heart attack, a car accident or old age.  He died under the knee of a person, of four people, who swore an oath to protect him.

George Floyd was an African American man who had two daughters, several jobs, and countless friends.  He was one in a long line of men and women of color who have died under a knee, at the barrel of a gun or swinging from a tree in a “free” country. 

The Guild Receives Allison Keller Education Technology Grant from Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism

The Guild for Human Services is pleased to announce it has received a $4,984 Allison Keller Education Technology grant from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. The grant will support The Guild’s Vocational Services department in teaching students critical employment-based skills.  

The Guild Celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month

In October, The Guild celebrated National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). NDEAM reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement. Throughout the month, the national #NDEAM campaign aimed to educate the public about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities.

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