COVID-19 Documentary "The World Got Smaller" by The Guild to premiere March 16

The Guild for Human Services, which educates, encourages, and empowers individuals with intellectual disabilities, is premiering its documentary, The World Got Smaller: The Spirit of The Guild during COVID-19 on March 16th at 1 PM EST online. The short film provides a first-hand look at how the pandemic curtailed the community life of individuals with intellectual disabilities. The film is being released to commemorate the second anniversary of the State of Emergency declared in Massachusetts and the subsequent closing of schools.

From ‘Me’ to ‘We’: Engaging in Healthy Relationships with Elevatus Training

Each Wednesday night last fall, a group of six Guild adult residents cleared out their schedules and logged onto Zoom at 5 p.m. sharp. They would spend the next hour in lively discussion talking about relationships with employers, family members, romantic partners, and themselves. The group was part of The Guild’s Healthy Relationships course, designed by Elevatus Training.

Suitcase Stories at The Guild - April 14th

International migration affects everyone whether you are a newcomer to the U.S. or a relative, friend or colleague of immigrants. How we view and understand diverse backgrounds is profoundly influenced by the stories we hear, as well as our own interactions with people from around the world.

It is easier to have your own bias, prejudice and categorize someone to an already defined box without hearing their side of the story. “You only know my name - which you even struggle to pronounce right sometimes – but you don’t know my story.”

Students, families and staff gather for festive Field Day

From jumping in the bouncy house to a competitive tug-of-war game, students, their families and staff celebrated the impending end of summer at The Guild’s 18th annual Field Day.

The pirates-themed day lightheartedly celebrated the summer curriculum topics of land and water. Along with a bouncy house, Field Day featured a dunk tank; lawn games; basketball; face-painting; arts and crafts; music; and swinging, sliding and spinning on the playground.

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