Developing skills in positive environment
The goal of The Guild’s Adapted Physical Education program is to develop motor and movement skills; individual and group games/sports skills; and water safety and swimming skills in a positive, motivating environment that focuses on the unique learning abilities of each student.
Group physical education classes are scheduled in the gym and include individual-skill development, group games, sports and yoga. Students may also participate in a group or individual physical fitness lesson in the fitness center, where they can use cardio equipment such as a treadmill or stationary bicycle or perform body-weight resistance exercises with an instructor.
Weather permitting, physical education classes are held outdoors. The Guild’s location in Concord allows for easy access to many walking, hiking and jogging trails. Students may also participate in horseback riding at Ironstone Farm to develop body balance, muscular strength, coordination, posture control and flexibility.
New playground
The new Belmont Savings Bank Foundation Playground promotes physical, psychological, intellectual and social well-being. The 6,400-square-foot playground was financed through a $50,000 grant from the Belmont Savings Bank Foundation, one of the largest grants in the foundation’s history, along with a restricted gift designated to support individuals with low vision as well as orientation and mobility challenges. Designed and constructed by Childscapes, the playground features slides, swings, climbing structures, motor planning and sensory activities, and seating that focus on fun and play while supporting social and motor development.
Guild playground featured in Boston Parents Paper story about 'Recess Renaissance.'